Career Potential (Storytelling Workshop)

Consider your stories and skills that give you potential in one or more career paths. Craft and deliver a creative personal presentation (like the one below) that story-tells your potential for impact and success.

Learner audience: Grades 2-12

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Workshop Agenda

Part 1: Your stories (creative thinking)

Part 2: Your human skills (critical thinking)

Part 3: Your career potential (strategic thinking)

Part 4: Storytelling parts 1-3 in a creative presentation

Part 5: Sharing your career potential presentations

Leadership Development

Develop your identity and capacity as a student, teacher or school leader by completing group challenges, discussions, and personal presentations.

Learner Audience: High schoolers, college/university students, teachers and school leaders (professional development)

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Course Outline

Lesson 1: Community Building & Identity Mapping

Lesson 2: Present Yourself Part 1

Lesson 3: Team Building in Escape Rooms

Lesson 4: Exploring Your Human Skills

Lesson 5: Pursuing Opportunities in Our World

Lesson 6: Presenting Yourself Part 2

Public Speaking & Interview Skills

Increase your confidence and comfort talking about yourself in applications and interviews for high school, college, and career.

Learner Audience: Grades 7 - 12

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Course Outline

Lesson 1: Tell Me About Yourself

Lesson 2: Stories of your Strengths & Areas for Improvement

Lesson 3: Analyzing Your Leadership Skills

Lesson 4: Presenting Your Potential

Lesson 5: Mock Interviews

Lesson 6: Personal Story-Skill-Potential Presentations

Lesson 7: Public Speaking Challenge