Not Just
A College Essay Course

Through our online course, students write their personal statement for their college application. We use games, guided lessons, and feedback to support students. In the course, students are positioned to use their voice and reflect on who they are.


Receive guidance and support as you craft the most important "tip" factor in your application.

Learn more


Harkness  Model

Work in leadership teams and receive space to help you and others grow

Design Thinking

Feedback driven, iterative
development of asset-based narratives

MIT Human Skills Matrix

Discover your skills and values with transfer value to college and career

Course Outcomes

Uncover Your Strengths

Go through reflection exercises to strengthen your self-awareness and confidence.

Communicate Your Uniqueness

Learn how to storytell and showcase your identities, stories, and skills.

Publish Your Personal Statement

Write a high-quality personal statement with the feedback and support of expert instructors.

Course Content

Our Course Book

Students receive a welcome package with snacks and our course book to guide you in writing a high-quality personal statement.

Live Classes

Build community with enthusiastic instructors and supportive peers in the most fun online class EVER!

Special Guests

Interact and network with motivational speakers and college industry experts.

(Ask your parents, who is Darryl/RUN-DMC?)


Class 1
Personal Statements
& Narrative Arcs
Class 2
Your Personal Statement
Class 3
Write a Narrative Arc for Your Personal Statement
Class 4
Write Another Narrative Arc for Your Personal Statement
Class 5
Choose Your Topic & Answer:
What's The Point?
Class 6
Write Your Point Into Your Beginning & Ending
Class 7
Bring Your Personal Statement to Life With Your Voice
Class 8
Publish and Present Your Personal Statement

Our pricing


Per student
Join our next cohort
  • Brainstorm 3-5 topics for your personal statement (PS)
  • Learn how to write with the correct flow and proportions
  • Write 3 drafts of your PS
  • Read and analyze high-quality essays
  • Receive instructor comments


$250 - $650
Per student
View pricing chartBring your cohort
  • Everything in Public plus:
  • Form a cohort with up top 5 other friends/family members
  • Individualized coaching on essay topics and flow
  • Peer feedback and writers workshops
  • Flexible timing of sessions
  • Up to 2 office hour sessions


Per student
Connect with us
  • Everything in Public and Private plus:
    One-on-one experience
  • Vocabulary and grammar help
  • Personal coaching on bringing the essay to life with your voice
  • Instructor edits and comments
  • Flexible timing of sessions
  • Mailed-home course book
    Up to 4 office hour sessions.

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